

My name is Nicolas BESNARD, and I’m a young and passionate embedded software engineer. In 2022, I graduated from embedded systems. I’ve worked in automotive and am currently working on an open-source and embedded operating system (prplOS) for gateways. I am always looking for new projects to start or new skills and technologies to learn.

I began experimenting with software and electronics nearly ten years ago, while still in high school. During this time, I completed a variety of personal and school projects. Although they are most likely uninteresting, I would have liked to be able to reflect on my train of thought, why I made these decisions, and the mistake I made.

And, because it is never too late, I have decided to create this blog with the primary goal of keeping track of my new projects, ideas, and expertise. At the same time, it provides an opportunity for me to hone my technical, communication, and writing skills as a new blogger. Please do not pass judgment on my website; it has no intention of growing or attracting viewers, but rather serves as a personal space for me to archive my efforts and discuss my passions.

You might be wondering why I don’t keep all of this private and out of the prying eyes of the internet. To be honest, that was what I had intended to accomplish first. But then I realized that some of my friends, family, and coworkers had expressed an interest in some of my projects, and this website could be an excellent method to inform people about what I do.

Another benefit of writing publicly is that it puts pressure on me to fulfill a minimum quality standard before releasing a post, which makes it more intelligible and accurate.

PS: If you are viewing this website from the far future and see that there are no recent activities, I most likely gave up on it due to a lack of time or motivation.